Uses of Interface

Packages that use BlockDevice
de.waldheinz.fs Contains the file-system independent classes and interfaces, as well as the FileSystemFactory for creating FileSystem instances. 
de.waldheinz.fs.fat Contains the classes implementing the FAT(12/16/32) file system. 
de.waldheinz.fs.util Contains some utility classes that are useful independent of the file system type. 

Uses of BlockDevice in de.waldheinz.fs

Methods in de.waldheinz.fs with parameters of type BlockDevice
static FileSystem FileSystemFactory.create(BlockDevice device, boolean readOnly)
           Creates a new FileSystem for the specified device.

Uses of BlockDevice in de.waldheinz.fs.fat

Methods in de.waldheinz.fs.fat with parameters of type BlockDevice
static SuperFloppyFormatter SuperFloppyFormatter.get(BlockDevice dev)
          Retruns a SuperFloppyFormatter instance suitable for formatting the specified device.
static FatFileSystem device, boolean readOnly)
          Reads the file system structure from the specified BlockDevice and returns a fresh FatFileSystem instance to read or modify it.

Uses of BlockDevice in de.waldheinz.fs.util

Classes in de.waldheinz.fs.util that implement BlockDevice
 class FileDisk
          This is a BlockDevice that uses a File as it's backing store.
 class RamDisk
          A BlockDevice that lives entirely in heap memory.

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